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  • About one in five US adults (21%) have poor literacy skills, which translates to about 43 million adults. Thirty-four percent of them are Hispanic or Latino. 
  • A study from the 1990s that looked at adult literacy in California showed that African American and Latino adults were more likely than white adults to perform at the lowest level of literacy and least likely to achieve the top two levels. 
  • Today, California continues to have one of the lowest literacy rates at 76.9%. The San Fernando Valley is an area that is clearly 92.8% Hispanic or Latino and only 14.1% of those age 25 and older have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Nearly 1 in 4 people over the age of 15 lack the skills to decipher the words in this sentence. 

Sources: censusreporter.org  |  census.gov  |  nces.ed.gov

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